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What a Difference a Year Makes

What a Difference a Year Makes

Today I took a stroll through a beautifully sunny, frosty Carlisle. I’d been stuck at home this weekend thanks to a couple of car problems and couldn’t get my Lake District fix. I suppose – if you’ve got to be stuck in… there aren’t many nicer places than Carlisle.   This weekend in December 2015 was a complete contrast: a very wet spell through the late Autumn had left the ground saturated and and river levels twitchy! It was a bonanza for the white...

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Community Building From Stanwix to Somalia

In many forgotten corners of the world such as Carlisle, there are communities like Stanwix. Only problem is… they’ve forgotten they’re communities. As is often the case; while half a dozen faithful souls strive to regenerate the facilities that lie at the centre; the community as a whole just sits back oblivious to the dire state of the collapsing fabric around them.. It’s time for a change folks! Community Association Frustration Community building is probably one of...

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Stanwix Community Association is Fading Fast.. Time to Get Your Fingers Out Folks!

After an ambitious year of trying to coordinate the rebuilding of the hut managed by Stanwix Community Association (SCA), I think it would be safe to say we have failed due to a lack of support from the community we serve. At our monthly meetings, if we are lucky, perhaps half a dozen people turn up to manage a complex project that would have taxed a full time professional team. Our aim was to rebuild the two huts that serve as part of Stanwix’ community hub; alongside St....

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Visit Carlisle – Stay in Stanwix

Carlisle is one of the most under rated destinations on the holiday itinerary of the travelling world. As one of the few places (only 2 in England) that can lay claim to the status of being a 2000 year city, Carlisle has sat in the background for long enough. Under-rated Oasis Where the Reivers Once Roamed Where else, in the north of England, has seen: Roman, Reiver, Jacobite, siege, Castle, Cathedral, city walls, Railway and Canal, come – go and hide away to tease the unwary visitor? So...

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Stanwix Carlisle Gains a Community Web Site

Stanwix Carlisle Gains a Community Web Site

Stanwix, site of the largest fort on Hadrian’s Wall, now has its own website. Its information will grow for local residents, community organisations, local businesses and visitors. Starting from years of web experience as a lost soul browsing his way down the road to nowhere and an almost pathological reluctance to make a website, Ray had to learn fast. With help from Nigel Burnie who ran Digital Solutions UK from his home in the area and another...

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The Other Side of Islam

At the Recent Conference organised by the local rotary organisations and the University of Cumbria, I bumped into a striking looking bloke.  he was big and carried himself confidently and was about as Asian as I am Irish.  As we chewed our way through 2 contrasting plates of conference nosh, conversation drifted round to the similarities between the Irish and Kashmiri approach to life.  I won’t bore you with the minuteae – suffice to say we had a good crack about life, business and...

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