Stanwix Carlisle Gains a Community Web Site

Stanwix, site of the largest fort on Hadrian’s Wall, now has its own website. Its information will grow for local residents, community organisations, local businesses and visitors.
Starting from years of web experience as a lost soul browsing his way down the road to nowhere and an almost pathological reluctance to make a website, Ray had to learn fast. With help from Nigel Burnie who ran Digital Solutions UK from his home in the area and another friend Tom Phillips of PCS Websites in Lancaster, who both gave up valuable time to persuade Ray’s ageing and reluctant grey matter to absorb mew knowledge. After a month of frustration and graft the website framework is finally up and waiting for content to be suggested by local people. It is hoped that interest will grow steadily and rather than dishing out a prescription of information identical to other community websites, this will grow because of input from residents of the area.
One of the concerns Ray had initially was that there was potential to cut across the activities of David Smith who already runs a paper based community magazine, which does an excellent job. The Stanwix Pages is now in its 10th issue and has established a loyal readership. After a simple chat, it was clear that there is room for both activities and the two media should complement each other nicely. There are a variety of audiences in the area and not everyone wants to go online for their information.
Update: 2016
The Stanwix Pages project is now defunct and Ray Cassidy is working as Consulting Cumbria Ltd